Internal Reports

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[FZJ-2024-04455] Internal Report
; ; ; et al
PATRICIA Deliverable D2.3 Experimental demonstration and validation of a spiked AMSEL flowsheet test
16 p. ()
This document provides the results of an experimental demonstration and validation of a spiked AMSEL flowsheet test, which was conducted at FZJ. The AmSEL process uses TODGA as an extractant and SO3-Ph-BTBP as an Am(III) selective complexant. [...]

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[FZJ-2024-02169] Internal Report
; ; ; et al
PATRICIA Deliverable D2.1 Flowsheets for validation on reference AmSEL system
15 p. ()
This document provides the approach adopted to develop a model for the AmSEL process, using TODGA as an extractant and SO3-Ph-BTBP as a complexing reagent. The constant of the model was determined using single-stage centrifugal contactor experiments. [...]
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OpenAccess [FZJ-2024-01962] Internal Report
; ; ; et al
Annual Report 2012 - Jülich Center for Hadron Physics / Institut für Kernphysik / COSY
83 p. () [10.34734/FZJ-2024-01962]
Halfway through the second period of the Programme oriented Funding (PoF-2), the Institutefor Nuclear Physics (IKP) is focusing on tasks along the lines outlined in the correspondingdocuments for the Helmholtz Association (HGF): foremost this comprises thedesign of and preparations for the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) of FAIR (Facilityfor Antiproton and Ion Research) as well as for the PANDA experiment. It also includeshadron physics experiments at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY, exploiting the internal experimentsANKE, PAX andWASA and TOF with the extracted COSY beam. [...]
OpenAccess: JÜL-4358_AnnRep12 - Download fulltextPDF; JÜL-4358_AnnRep12_FurthContrib - Download fulltextPDF;

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OpenAccess [FZJ-2024-01961] Internal Report
; ; ; et al
Annual Report 2016 - Institut für Kernphysik / COSY
102 p. () [10.34734/FZJ-2024-01961]
The achievements of the Institut für Kernphysik (IKP) in 2016, the second year of the ongoing period of the"Programme oriented Funding" (PoF), have again been remarkable and clearly demonstrated the scientificvirtue of our research. IKP is an indispensable key player in various projects and a reliable partner inscientific collaborations.The EDM project accomplished a number of important steps towards a high precision storage ring basedEDM measurement. [...]
OpenAccess: JÜL-4398_AnnRep16 - Download fulltextPDF; JÜL-4398_AnnRep16_FurthContrib - Download fulltextPDF;

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OpenAccess [FZJ-2024-01960] Internal Report
; ; ; et al
Annual Report 2018 - Institut für Kernphysik - COSY
122 p. () [10.34734/FZJ-2024-01960]
After three years into the strategy discussion of Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) and the uncertainties comingalong with the conclusion to discontinue the Institute für Kernphysik (IKP) within FZJ for the staff andstudents of IKP, the year 2018 turned out to be a time of decisions: The Supervisory Boards (Aufsichtsrat)of FZJ and of GSI Darmstadt decided to transfer IKP-1, IKP-2, IKP-4 and IKP-TA from FZJ to GSI as ofJanuary 1, 2021. This is to secure the IKP expertise – in our view: accelerator physics (i. [...]
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OpenAccess [FZJ-2024-01940] Book/Internal Report
; ; ; et al
Annual Report 2015 - Jülich Center for Hadron Physics / Institut für Kernphysik / COSY
Jül-Bericht 4393, 73 p () [10.34734/FZJ-2024-01940]
With the start of the third programme-oriented funding period (PoF-3) in 2015 the IKP has completed theprocess of focusing its scientific portfolio to the two topics PANDA and HESR at FAIR and storage ringEDM search (srEDM).After a long period of uncertainty about the realizing of the FAIR project, especially concerning the antiprotonpillar, the FAIR council made a clear positive statement. All four pillars of FAIR including the PANDAexperiment should be completed simultaneously. [...]
OpenAccess: Annual Report 2015 - Download fulltextPDF; Annual Report 2015 further contributions - Download fulltextPDF;

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